5 Easy Ways to Keep Guests Comfortable on Your Big Day

No matter how extravagant or low-key you plan for your big day to be, there is one wedding goal aht almost every couple shares. And that’s the desire to treat all your guests to an amazing time. So what are some of the things you can do to ensure this? Read below:
Feed them. Whether it’s a four-course or merely just punch and cake, wedding meals can run the gamut when it comes to what is serviced. It doesn’t really all that much what you feed your guests, as long as your invitation clearly explains the meal expectations (especially if you don’t plan to serve a traditional dinner)! Oh, and always make sure there is enough food to go around for everyone. Nothing would be worse than hungry and complaining guests.
Protect them from the elements. Plan your accommodations wisely depending on the season. What I mean by this is that if you’re getting married in the heart of summer, provide an area with shade for your guests. Similarly, if you plan to host an outdoor affair in the fall or winter, having shawls, blankets, or outdoor heaters in place can really make a difference!
Make sure bathrooms are easily accessible. If you’re having a large wedding, a one-stall bathroom may not be the best option for you or the guests! Consider this beforehand when choosing the venue.
Provide relief for sore feet. Providing socks or flip-flops for your guests is a great way to ensure their comfort, especially if you have a high number of guests in heels. Chances are they’ll want a change by mid-event to keep the party going.
Help them get home safe. If you’re not providing transportation for your guests, make sure you do share information on how they get from your venue to their hotels safely. This is so important! Whether you list local cab companies or ride shares on your website or hand out cards there with the information, you want to ensure your loved ones and supporters find their way home with as little aggravation as possible.